Text equivalent of “Take Five”


Next time you visit your health care provider, Take Five Minutes to talk about your farm work.

If your health care provider wasn’t raised on a farm, chances are they know very little about your agricultural risks and occupational exposures. Educate your health care provider on what tasks you perform on the farm.

The following activities are especially important:

  • Heavy lifting.
  • Handling of pesticides.
  • Unloading grain.
  • Operating machinery.
  • Handling livestock in a confined space.
  • Sleep patterns.
  • Off the farm work.

Sample Questions to Ask Your Health Care Provider:

  • “I am exposed to loud noise from machinery and or livestock; should I get a baseline hearing test?”
  • “What over the counter medications can interfere with operating machinery? How about prescriptions?”
  • “How can I help prevent agricultural illness and injuries?

Talking to Your Teen’s Healthcare Provider:

Teenagers often feel they are invincible and are capable of performing all farm tasks regardless of the risk. Teach your teen how to talk to the healthcare provider so together they can prevent farm related illness and injury.

The Fine Print:

[Logo: AgriSafe Network. Protecting the People Who Feed the World]


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