Text equivalent of “Ready to Farm” Poster

Farm Task: Fencing

Muscles Used

Spine, lateral and upper back, lower back, obliques, glutes, back of thighs (hamstrings), hips.

Poses to Improve Muscle Strength and Flexibility

  • Photo: Woman with legs straight, bending at hips, and taking chest close to knees.
  • Photo: Woman standing, with one leg crossed over the other and both feet on the ground. She is lifting her right arm over her head and stretching it toward the left, while holding a shovel in her left hand for stability.

Farm Task: Stooping

Muscles Used

Shoulders, spine, neck, back of thighs (hamstrings).

Poses to Improve Muscle Strength and Flexibility

  • Photo: Woman in child’s pose, which consists of sitting on the ground, bending your legs underneath you, while bending at your hips and stretching forward. Your knees can be at a width that is comfortable for you.
  • Photo: Woman is crossing arms at elbows and bringing backs of hands together. If shoulders are flexible enough, you may be able to wrap arms around so palms of hands can come together. Experiment with lifting elbows and moving hands away from face to deepen stretch between shoulder blades.

Farm Task: Total Body Vibration

Muscles Used

Spine, hips, hip flexors, neck, shoulders, hands.

Poses to Improve Muscle Strength and Flexibility

  • Photo: Woman in child’s pose, which consists of sitting on the ground, bending your legs underneath you, while bending at your hips and stretching forward. Your knees can be at a width that is comfortable for you.
  • Photo: Woman in standing lunge, which consists of stretching one leg behind you, keeping it straight and with the foot on the ground, with the heel lifted. Bend the other leg at an almost ninety-degree angle. Make sure front knee stays directly over ankle (should be able to see toes). Use a garden tool [woman is using a shovel] to help with balance, or practice next to a chair or wall for support.
  • Photo: Woman standing, with one leg crossed over the other and both feet on the ground. She is lifting her right arm over her head and stretching it toward the left, while holding a shovel in her left hand for stability.

Farm Task: Calf Carrying

Muscles Used

Upper arms (biceps and triceps), shoulders, lateral and upper back, lower back, chest (pectorals), abs and obliques, back of thighs (hamstrings).

Poses to Improve Muscle Strength and Flexibility

  • Photo: Woman standing with hands on a grain bin and feet one to two feet away from bin, with chest leaning toward ground.
  • Photo: Woman is holding onto a shovel with both hands, lifting the shovel above her head and slightly back.

Farm Task: Grain Scooping

Muscles Used

Shoulders, chest (pectorals), upper back, lower back, abs and obliques, glutes, hips, hip flexors.

Poses to Improve Muscle Strength and Flexibility

  • Photo: Woman standing with hands on a grain bin and feet one to two feet away from bin, with chest leaning toward ground.
  • Photo: Woman in standing lunge, which consists of stretching one leg behind you, keeping it straight and with the foot on the ground, with the heel lifted. Bend the other leg at an almost ninety-degree angle. Make sure front knee stays directly over ankle (should be able to see toes). Use a garden tool [woman is using a shovel] to help with balance, or practice next to a chair or wall for support.
  • Photo: Woman is holding onto a shovel with both hands, lifting the shovel above her head and slightly back.

Farm Task: Throwing Hay

Muscles Used

Lateral and upper back, lower back, shoulders, upper arms (biceps and triceps), back of thighs (hamstrings), hips, hip flexors.

Poses to Improve Muscle Strength and Flexibility

  • Photo: Woman standing with hands on a grain bin and feet one to two feet away from bin, with chest leaning toward ground.
  • Photo: Woman in standing lunge, which consists of stretching one leg behind you, keeping it straight and with the foot on the ground, with the heel lifted. Bend the other leg at an almost ninety-degree angle. Make sure front knee stays directly over ankle (should be able to see toes). Use a garden tool [woman is using a shovel] to help with balance, or practice next to a chair or wall for support.
  • Photo: Woman with legs straight, bending at hips, and taking chest close to knees.

Disclaimer of Liability: Injuries of all types can occur when participating in exercise, physical fitness and training programs, hence AgriSafe strongly encourages you to obtain a comprehensive physical examination by a licensed health professional PRIOR to undertaking any exercise demonstrated on this guide. You fully assume the risk of any resulting injury.

This material was produced under grant number SH-05068-SHB from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.

[Logo: AgriSafe Network, Protecting the People Who Feed the World.]