Text equivalent of “Head to Toe Protection: Pesticides (Male)”


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Read the label for personal protective equipment (P P E) recommendations.


Read the Label. Choose an N I O S H approved air purifying two strap or cartridge respirator based on label information.


Follow package instruction for use. Chemical resistant gloves and may include Tyvex coverall, cotton coverall, long sleeves and long pants.

Chemical resistant suits should be worn for as short a time as possible.


Wear chemical resistant headgear. Wash hair and scalp if exposed.


Hearing protection plugs or muff when exposed to noise above eight five decibels (d B).


Choose safety goggles or glasses based on the label that meet A N S I Z 8 7 point 1 N I O S H Standard.


Choose protection based on the label. This may include shoes and socks or shoe coverings such as Tyvek or chemical resistant shoe covers or PVC boots. Remember leather absorbs moisture and chemicals.


Exposure to pesticides and some worksite chemicals can compromise reproductive functions in men as well as women. Read labels carefully and be sure to use recommended precautions and protective equipment.

[The Fine Print]

This material was produced under a grant (S H 2 3 5 8 0 S H 2) from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U. S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U. S. Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organization imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Reviewed March 2022.

[Logo: AgriSafe Network, Protecting the People Who Feed the World.]