Text equivalent of “AgriSafe Year in Review 2023”

Our Impact

Protecting the People Who Feed the World: Our mission is to support a growing network of trained agricultural health and safety professionals who assure access to preventative services for farm families and the agricultural community.


  • 3,655 attendees across AgriSafe’s…
  • 60 free online trainings hosted in 2023.

Talking: Total Farmer Health

Digital Footprint

  • 290 million people potentially reached through…
  • 1,540 mentions on public social media accounts.

AgriSafe Nurse Scholar

  • 62 Nurse Scholar program graduates in 2023, bringing the total number of nurses trained to…
  • 307 individuals from…
  • 41 states.

AgriSafe in Action

  • 41,679 newsletter views for AgriSafe in Action in 2023.

Avian Flu Outbreak Rapid Response

AgriSafe aims to maintain a culture of readiness to respond to the needs in the ag community. Here are the Avian Influenza resources we created or updated:

We know this outbreak of HPAI is not over and continue to maintain vigilance as this virus and its impact on agriculture evolve.

Mental Health Programming Snapshot

  • There were a total of 295 calls and 38 text messages for the AgriStress Helpline in 2023. The helpline is available in Colorado, Connecticut, Missouri, Montana, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming! [Visual: AgriStress Helpline® call or text 839-897-2474.]
  • 710 participants were trained in FarmResponse in 2023. The AgriStress Provider Directory is now live and has 38 licensed providers. Individuals can search the directory to find providers trained in FarmResponse! [Badge: FarmResponse certified. AgriSafe Network.]
  • There were 12 Mental Health Innovation Exchange meetings, with 680 attendees plus a total of 25 speakers. [Logo: AgriStress Response®. Responding to restore hope.]
  • 810 individuals were trained across AgriSafe’s monthly QPR sessions, and we added two new QPR presenters to the team (10 total).
  • 130 individuals were trained in Conversations on Access to Lethal Means (CALM).
  • 1,062 individuals were trained in 2023 by Total Farmer Health Coaches.


Meet Our CEO

AgriSafe is devoted to making an intentional impact in the agricultural community. See what our CEO, Natalie Roy, has to say about our work in 2023.

Mental Health

Our mental and behavioral health programming continues to grow. Listen as Dr. Tara Haskins speaks about the importance of continuing our work in this space.

Rooting Out Bias

Equity Director Knesha Rose-Davison speaks about AgriSafe’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (D E I A).

Financial Statement

Support and Revenue

  • Donations: $103,572.00
  • Grant Income: $1,445,469.33
  • Event Sponsors: $18,000.00
  • Membership Dues: $1,735.00
  • Training Income: $90,763.11
  • Miscellaneous Income: $13,598.99
  • Total Income: $1,673,328.43

Net Assets

  • Change in net assets: $258,832.08
  • Net assets at beginning of the year: $1,113,112.59
  • Net assets at end of the year: $1,371,944.67


  • Program: Training & Tech: $464,916.01
  • Program: Communications & PR: $377,631.51
  • Program: Resource Developoment: $200,165.45
  • General Administration: $276,951.01
  • Fundraising: $44,006.68
  • Total Expenses: $1,363,670.66

Expense Allocations

  • Training & Technology: 34%
  • Communications & PR: 28%
  • General Admin: 20%
  • Resource Development: 15%
  • Fundraising: 3%

Participant Reflections

“This was a fantastic introduction to firearms safety in situations of potential suicide and something that needs to be talked about much more. I really appreciated the focus on a neutral attitude toward firearms.” – CALM training participant

“This was next-level chain saw training. The slides were excellent, easy to read, and the content was great. I liked putting the injuries and the medical costs into perspective. The pictures and illustrations were up-to-date [technology]” – OSHA Chainsaw Safety Training Participant

“The Nurse Scholar Program has opened up a whole network of possibilities to be able to help others. I am a small-town ND girl, and Ag has impacted my life in so many different ways.” – Tara Maus, Nurse Scholar Participant

“I applaud AgriSafe for beginning a diversity farming series. Hannah was wonderful to share her very personal experiences.” – DEIA webinar series participant

“I live and grew up in a rural/farming area but didn’t grow up on an actual farm, and so much of the initial background information was new to me. While I understand poverty, the challenges of accessing care, the stigma, etc., I didn’t understand the specific issues facing farmers and this gave me that knowledge.” -FarmResponse participant

Contact Info

[Logo: AgriSafe Network. Protecting the People Who Feed the World.]

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