Webinar: Navigating the Impact of COVID-19, Influenza, & RSV on Agricultural Workers: A Comprehensive Overview

Summary: COVID-19, Influenza, and RSV are all viruses spread by droplets and direct contact with infected people. Each virus has its specific causes, symptoms, severity, and vaccines for prevention. The distinction of these viruses is critical, especially given the multiple barriers and exposure factors for agricultural workers. This presentation will explore the risks agricultural workersRead More

Webinar: Talking About Ticks- Lyme Disease

Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking arachnids. The deer tick (also known as the black-legged tick) is found mainly in the Eastern and upper Midwestern regions of the U.S. It can cause conditions such as Lyme disease – the mostRead More

Webinar: Protecting Ag Employees from Infectious Diseases in the Post-COVID Era

Summary: In the wake of the global impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the ensuing coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), the urgency to safeguard agricultural employees from infectious diseases has become paramount. Acknowledging the rapid and profound effects of the pandemic on a global scale, particularly its impact on individuals engaged inRead More

Webinar: Non-Allergic Respiratory Hazards in Farming and Agricultural Environments: Recognition and Prevention (Cost: $30, FREE for premium members)

Summary: The webinair will address non-allergic respiratory hazards (dusts, mists, fumes, and gases) affecting agricultural worker, farmers, and farm families living and working in agricultural environments. The focus will be recognizing and preventing environmental and occupational exposures that may result in morbidity and mortality resulting from unprotected or unrecognized respiratory hazards. An overview of theRead More

Webinar: Combating Heat and Cold Stress for Forestry Workers

Summary: Forestry workers may be subject to extreme heat and cold. Working outdoors makes people more likely to become dehydrated and experience heat-related illness or heat stress. High temperatures reduce work capacity and may lead to heat stress and dehydration. Although exposure to heat stress is preventable, thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure everyRead More

Webinar: Combating Heat and Cold Stress for Forestry Workers

Summary: Forestry workers may be subject to extreme heat and cold. Working outdoors makes people more likely to become dehydrated and experience heat-related illness or heat stress. High temperatures reduce work capacity and may lead to heat stress and dehydration. Although exposure to heat stress is preventable, thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure everyRead More