
The DIRTT Project LIVE! Workshop

The DIRTT Project gives the American Farmer full control of their succession plan from beginning to end. If you’re planning a business transition and want to ensure your company’s long-termRead More

Grain Bin Safety Week

Did you know that between 1960 and 2019, 60% of documented grain entrapment cases were fatal? Initiated by Nationwide in 2014, Grain Bin Safety Week is an annual campaign recurringRead More

Webinar: Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers

Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers Summary: Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) is an effective nitrogen crop fertilizer used throughout the Midwest and beyond.  Anhydrous ammonia is potentially dangerous, as it seeks water from theRead More

Webinar: Appropriate PPE for Women in Agriculture

Summary: Agriculture is a hazardous industry associated with many occupational injuries and diseases. Workers may be exposed to various types of occupational hazards simultaneously, possibly increasing the risk of adverseRead More

National Public Health Week

During the first full week of April each year, the American Public Health Association brings together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week as a timeRead More

QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participantsRead More

QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participantsRead More

Webinar: ATV-UTV Safety for Women

ATV-UTV Safety for Women Summary: Agriculture ranks among the most hazardous industries. Farmers are at very high risk for fatal and nonfatal injuries, and farming is one of few industriesRead More