NFSHW 2021: Food in the Field

Summary: With 18+ hour workdays, the stress of the weather, dealing with markets and policies, and limited nutritious, one-handed dining options, it is easy to put healthy eating on theRead More


Over the last decade, farmers and farm families have experienced increasing pressures resulting in high levels of stress, mental health, and suicide. QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognizeRead More


Over the last decade, farmers and farm families have experienced increasing pressures resulting in high levels of stress, mental health, and suicide. QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognizeRead More


Over the last decade, farmers and farm families have experienced increasing pressures resulting in high levels of stress, mental health, and suicide. QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognizeRead More

Webinar: Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers

Summary: Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) is an effective nitrogen crop fertilizer used throughout the Midwest and beyond.  Anhydrous ammonia is potentially dangerous, as it seeks water from the nearest source, which may beRead More