Webinar: Musculoskeletal & Ergonomic Safety for Forest Workers

Summary: Forest workers face unique ergonomic challenges due to their exposure to extreme environmental conditions, heavy workload, and dangerous tools and machines. The forest sector has one of the highest rates of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), almost 100 times higher than the industrial targets the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) set. This programRead More


Monthly Mental Health Innovations Exchange- AgriStress Response Network

Meeting Purpose: The purpose of these monthly meetings is to engage innovative ideas and strategies to serve the farming and ranching community in the area of mental health. Please extend invitations to colleagues and other professionals that are interested in this subject.   Register Here   Interested in sharing a mental health innovation? Email CareyRead More

Webinar: Combating Heat and Cold Stress for Forestry Workers

Summary: Forestry workers may be subject to extreme heat and cold. Working outdoors makes people more likely to become dehydrated and experience heat-related illness or heat stress. High temperatures reduce work capacity and may lead to heat stress and dehydration. Although exposure to heat stress is preventable, thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure everyRead More

Webinar: Overcoming Barriers and Understanding the Psychological Impact of Livestock Euthanasia: A Study on Spanish-Speaking Swine Caretakers’ Pig Euthanasia Practices on U.S. Farms

Summary: The webinar will be focused on the impact of pig euthanasia on Hispanic farmworkers, explaining the need to consider the cultural background of the people as part of effective training and welfare practices. We will delve into the importance of timely and humane euthanasia in maintaining both animal welfare and industry standards. This sessionRead More

Webinar: Hearing Loss Prevention for Forest Workers

Summary: Hearing loss is common, especially among workers who are exposed to hazardous noise where they work. Forestry and logging are among the top industry sectors for worker exposure to hazardous noise that can contribute to hearing loss. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), noise-exposed workers in forestry and loggingRead More


Monthly Mental Health Innovations Exchange- AgriStress Response Network

Meeting Purpose: The purpose of these monthly meetings is to engage innovative ideas and strategies to serve the farming and ranching community in the area of mental health. Please extend invitations to colleagues and other professionals that are interested in this subject.   Register Here   Interested in sharing a mental health innovation? Email CareyRead More

NFSHW24: Sharing the Road: Agricultural Equipment and the Driving Public


Summary: A collision between agriculture equipment and a passenger vehicles on a roadway often result in serious injury or fatalities. Ag equipment is much larger and heavier than personal vehicles.  As agriculture changes, even in rural areas, there are fewer residents that are familiar with ag equipment and may not have an understanding how theRead More

NFSHW24: Noise: Bad for My Ears and Heart, Too? 


Summary: A growing number of studies show that noise increases the risk for broad-ranging physiological and psychological illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, depression, behavioral problems, and cognition (among others). This session will provide participants with state-of-the-science information regarding the effects of occupational and environmental noise on health. A variety of methods to protect adults andRead More

NFSHW24: Conversations on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training


Summary: CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means) is a suicide prevention training that encourages safe storage of lethal means (firearms and medications) during a suicidal crisis. By temporarily putting time and distance between a suicidal person and highly lethal means, a life may be saved. CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means was originally created asRead More

NFSHW24: Three-Step Process to Farm Succession Planning


Summary: Research shows that working with other family members and succession planning are top stressors for farmers. This presentation will provide an overview of common barriers to planning for the next generation of owners/managers for family-owned farms. It will discuss recent research on what service professionals need from the owners to better serve their successionRead More

NFSHW24: Training Future Generations of Farmers through Registered Apprenticeship


Summary: The agriculture industry faces a shortage of skilled farmers with many experienced farmers nearing retirement age. We will highlight how farmers can utilize Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) to train the next generation of farmers, combining classroom and online learning with hands-on experience on working farms.  Intended Audience:  Business owners, HR staff, Ag educators, workforceRead More