
Monthly Mental Health Innovations Exchange- AgriStress Response Network

Meeting Purpose: The purpose of these monthly meetings is to engage innovative ideas and strategies to serve the farming and ranching community in the area of mental health. Please extend invitations to colleagues and other professionals that are interested in this subject.   Register Here   Interested in sharing a mental health innovation? Email CareyRead More

Webinar: Talking About Ticks- Lyme Disease

Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking insects. The deer tick (also known as the black-legged tick) is found mainly in the Eastern and upper Midwestern regions of the U.S. It can cause conditions such as Lyme disease – the mostRead More

Webinar: AgriSafe’s FarmResponse: Looking Back at the First Year

Summary: Launched in February 2022, AgriSafe’s FarmResponse is an on-demand interactive course through AgriSafe’s Learning Lab. The FarmResponse course addresses farm and ranching cultural competencies for healthcare providers and specialists by exploring the effects of financial stress, land ownership and legacy issues, substance use, suicide, and the work of agriculture on mental wellbeing. The curriculumRead More

Webinar: Zoonotic Disease and Pregnancy: A Deeper Dive

Summary: Zoonotic Diseases are transmitted between farm animals and humans and can pose additional risks to those who are pregnant. According to the World Health Organization, over half of all human pathogens are zoonotic and have represented nearly all emerging pathogens in the past decade. Farmers and farmworkers have a higher risk of contracting zoonoticRead More


Monthly Mental Health Innovations Exchange- AgriStress Response Network

Meeting Purpose: The purpose of these monthly meetings is to engage innovative ideas and strategies to serve the farming and ranching community in the area of mental health. Please extend invitations to colleagues and other professionals that are interested in this subject.   Register Here   Interested in sharing a mental health innovation? Email CareyRead More

QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participants must be 18 years of age or older. In this 1.5-hour QPR training, we will provide: - Information on the unique challenges farmers face thatRead More

NFSHW23: ATV Safety


Summary: ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) are one of the most common and dangerous pieces of equipment on today’s farm. An average of 500 persons die and another 100,000 are seriously injured each year while operating ATVs. Nearly 60% of the fatalities occur in agriculture. This course teaches how to recognize, evaluate, and control common hazards whenRead More

NFSHW23: Chainsaw Safety Training


Summary: The Chainsaw Safety training program is intended for workers and managers in the agricultural and forestry industries.  The major focus of the program is on the identification of and the safe operation of chainsaws.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 36,000 people are injured by chainsaws annually. Intended Audience: ThisRead More

NFSHW23: Preventing the Spread of Infectious Disease on Farms, Ranches and Ag Workplaces


Summary: Farmers, ranchers, and ag operators were deemed ‘essential’ during the COVID19 pandemic. Learning how to protect employees, families, clients, and the community evolved throughout the pandemic and uncertainty was often difficult to navigate. During this webinar, we hope to bring forward some of the lessons learned during the pandemic and help share strategies forRead More

NFSHW23: Emerging, Re-emerging and Long-standing Infectious Disease in Agricultural Workers and Cost-Effective Measures for Prevention


Summary: Agricultural workers are exposed to infectious agents that can lead to illness, lost time away from work, and other economic stress. A long-term illness may also negatively affect the workers’ family and their employer. In this fast-paced session, learn about emerging, reemerging, and long-standing infectious disease health risks. From Aspergillus to zoonotic diseases, youRead More

NFSHW23: Cardiovascular Health in Farm Workers with a Concentration on Females


Summary: More than 100 million  US adults have high blood pressure, often called the “silent killer.”  Half of those individuals affected do not know that they have it.  Men and Women of all ages are affected, and it can cause serious heart problems. In women, the number one cause of death in the US isRead More

NFSHW23: Strategies to Increase Access to Mental Health Services in Farm Worker Communities in Post-COVID Era


Summary: Farm workers experience high rates of mental health and substance use problems due to numerous risk factors. Barriers for mental health services prevent most farm workers from accessing culturally appropriate care. COVID highlighted the increased need for mental health support and services in farm worker populations.  Farm Workers experienced additional stress and did notRead More