Children and Youth: Living, Working and Playing Safely on Farms

Join us as we discuss "Putting Farm Safety Into Practice," featuring the newly released Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines, which help parents and supervisors assign age appropriate tasks to youth. We'll also discuss non-working children and visitors to farms and ranches, and ways to keep them safe. Farms and ranches are great places to live, workRead More

Respiratory Protection Program Adapted to Grain Handling Operations

The OSHA respiratory standard requires a written respiratory protection program for situations in which permissible exposure levels (PELs) of airborne contaminants could be exceeded or when the employer requires use of respirators by workers. This training will assist agriculture-based employers who require respirator use to comply with the OSHA respiratory protection program standard. Training includesRead More

Youth Working in Agriculture: Keeping Them Safe While They Learn and Grow

Work is inherently good for children and youth - and agriculture offers many opportunities for them to develop work skills, learn responsibility and leadership, and gain an appreciation for farming and related industries. We also know that agricultural work can be dangerous, and that many youth are injured or killed while working in agricultural jobs.Read More

The Ergonomics of Hand Planting Reforestation Work

Reforestation work is vital to the health of America's forests and the U.S. economy. Hand planting, a common reforestation practice, provides unique challenges to safety and health practitioners interested in reducing occupational injuries and illnesses. This webinar will share lessons learned from a team of investigators studying occupational exposures to physical risk factors among handRead More

Health and Safety Issues of the Aging Farmer

This webinar introduces the unique aspects of health and safety for aging farmers and their families. We will cover this topic using a Total Worker Health lens; that is, how health relates to work, family, and all aspects of the farmer’s life. This program will equip you with a skill set to apply to olderRead More

Increasing the Use of Hearing Protection Among Farmers: Best Practices

Farm operators, as well as farm youth, experience frequent exposure to high noise and have among the highest rates of hearing loss among all categories of workers. Additionally, noise exposure impacts multiple organ systems, contributing to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and other highly prevalent diseases. Although the effects of noise can be mitigated through useRead More

Allergic and Non-allergic Respiratory Disease in Farmers

The goal of the webinar is to inform health care providers of farmers and farming exposed workers on the allergic and non-allergic respiratory diseases commonplace to this type of environment. The webinar will cover a general overview of allergic and non-allergic respiratory diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypersensitivity pneumonia, and organic dust toxicRead More

Children and Tractors: Myths, Facts, or Other

Join us as we discuss the topic of children and tractors, starting at birth and moving up through adulthood. We will explore what we know, what we think we know, and what we don’t know. By the end of this webinar participants will be able to: Discuss the risks and benefits of children on theRead More

Safe and Healthy Recovery After a Farm Flood

Disaster recovery can be as dangerous as the disaster itself, especially if no disaster preparedness plan was implemented. This is especially true on farms and ranches where inherent farm hazards such as machinery and equipment, livestock, and agriculture chemicals are displaced and co-mingle, putting all emergency response personnel, farm workers and family members in danger.Read More

Confined Space – Grain Bin Entry

The Confined Space Grain Safety program is intended for workers and managers in agriculture. This includes Coop's, farm operators, employees, and agriculture business owners. The major focus of the program is on safety in confined space work areas. At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Be able to identify hazardsRead More

Understanding Agricultural Respiratory Hazards and Respirator Selection

This presentation takes a practical look at the exemption status, how it is defined and where it affects various segments of production agriculture. This program is designed for workers in production agriculture, worksite managers and supervisors, agricultural business owners and those involved in family farming or ranching. At the end of this presentation participants willRead More