Increasing the Use of Hearing Protection Among Farmers: Best Practices

Farm operators, as well as farm youth experience frequent exposure to high noise and, have among the highest prevalence rates of hearing loss among all categories of workers. Additionally, noise exposure impacts multiple organ systems, contributing to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and other highly prevalent diseases. Although the effects of noise can be mitigated throughRead More

Allergic and Non-allergic Respiratory Disease in Farmers

The goal of the webinar is to inform health care providers of farmers and farming exposed workers on the allergic and non-allergic respiratory diseases commonplace to this type of environment. The webinar will cover a general overview of allergic and non-allergic respiratory diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypersensitivity pneumonia, and organic dust toxicRead More

Confined Space – Grain Bin Entry

The Confined Space Grain Safety program is intended for workers and managers in agriculture. This includes Coop's, farm operators, employees, and agriculture business owners. The major focus of the program is on safety in confined space work areas. At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Be able to identify hazardsRead More

Understanding Agricultural Respiratory Hazards and Respirator Selection

This presentation takes a practical look at the exemption status, how it is defined and where it affects various segments of production agriculture. This program is designed for workers in production agriculture, worksite managers and supervisors, agricultural business owners and those involved in family farming or ranching. At the end of this presentation participants willRead More

Winter Farm Flood Health Threats: Risk Factors During Recovery

This presentation will highlight basic precautions to prevent possible diseases and injuries during and after flooding. Floodwater can be contaminated by pollutants including sewage, human and animal feces, pesticides and insecticides, fertilizers, oil, asbestos, rusting building materials, and others. Winter floods can heighten the risk of health threats such as mold, tetanus bacteria, contaminated well-water,Read More

Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicle Safety

All-terrain vehicle (ATV) crashes are one of the leading causes of death and injuries in the agriculture industry in the United States. In this presentation, we will evaluate the current situation and possible solutions related to agricultural ATV safety. Potential injury preventative actions were evaluated based on the hierarchy of control, including elimination or substitution, engineeringRead More

Hazard Communications Standards

This Hazard Communication Standard training program is intended for female workers and managers in the agricultural industry. This includes dairy farms and small farms that hire at-risk populations. The major focus of the program is on the identification of and the safe usage of chemicals and pesticides, along with respiratory protection. At the conclusion ofRead More

Respiratory Fit Testing in Agricultural Communities

Summary Respiratory PPE fit testing helps assure the best protection against dangerous airborne particles. Agricultural workers face a myriad of challenges in obtaining a proper fit test and who can provide this service. Additionally, there are gray areas of misunderstanding about the fit testing mandates in certain agricultural populations. Intended Audience:  Agricultural workers, including womenRead More

Respiratory Protection Issues in Agriculture – What to Wear & Does It Fit?

The business of agriculture presents a myriad of hazards, including exposures to dusts, molds, pesticides and other chemicals, gases, as well as welding fumes and particles. Deciding what protection to use to prevent acute and chronic respiratory diseases is confusing. In addition, just finding the right protective gear can be a challenge. This webinar willRead More

Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers

Summary: Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) is an effective nitrogen crop fertilizer used throughout the Midwest and beyond.  Anhydrous ammonia is potentially dangerous, as it seeks water from the nearest source, which may be the human body – especially the eyes, lungs, and skin because of their high moisture content.  Few problems occur when anhydrous ammonia is handled properly and applied asRead More

Best PPE to Protect Your Lungs

Summary:  Respiratory protection strategies for women working in agriculture can be a challenge.  Purchasing respiratory protective equipment and achieving proper fit is often difficult. This one hour webinar program will address dangerous exposures in agricultural work and the importance of respiratory protective equipment for women. It will include training tips and evidence-based resources for useRead More

Respiratory Protection Program Overview in COVID-19 and Beyond

Summary: Many COVID-19 related US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) citations have been issued for missing key elements of a respiratory protection program. This session will cover the requirements of OSHA’s respiratory protection program, 29 CFR 1910.134, with emphasis on key areas noted in the COVID-19 citations and related temporary enforcement guidance; the differencesRead More