Events from May 25, 2023 – September 6, 2023 › Mental Health › – Page 3 – AgriSafe Network
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QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participantsRead More

QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participantsRead More

Webinar: Queer Farming: A Lived Experience

Summary: The intersection of the identities of “queer” and “farmer” creates a unique set of challenges and inspirations for the people who inhabit it. Hannah will share her personal experienceRead More

QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participantsRead More

Webinar: Animal Depopulation Resiliency Check-in Tool

Summary: Animal depopulation is associated with distressing psychological impacts on people. These impacts affect many stakeholders including veterinarians, producers, public health officials, and others who make decisions about and carryRead More

QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participantsRead More