Health and Safety Issues of the Aging Farmer

This webinar introduces the unique aspects of health and safety for aging farmers and their families. We will cover this topic using a Total Worker Health lens; that is, how health relates to work, family, and all aspects of the farmer’s life. This program will equip you with a skill set to apply to olderRead More

Increasing the Use of Hearing Protection Among Farmers: Best Practices

Farm operators, as well as farm youth experience frequent exposure to high noise and, have among the highest prevalence rates of hearing loss among all categories of workers. Additionally, noise exposure impacts multiple organ systems, contributing to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and other highly prevalent diseases. Although the effects of noise can be mitigated throughRead More

Allergic and Non-allergic Respiratory Disease in Farmers

The goal of the webinar is to inform health care providers of farmers and farming exposed workers on the allergic and non-allergic respiratory diseases commonplace to this type of environment. The webinar will cover a general overview of allergic and non-allergic respiratory diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypersensitivity pneumonia, and organic dust toxicRead More

Safe and Healthy Recovery After a Farm Flood

Disaster recovery can be as dangerous as the disaster itself, especially if no disaster preparedness plan was implemented. This is especially true on farms and ranches where inherent farm hazards such as machinery and equipment, livestock, and agriculture chemicals are displaced and co-mingle, putting all emergency response personnel, farm workers and family members in danger.Read More

Winter Farm Flood Health Threats: Risk Factors During Recovery

This presentation will highlight basic precautions to prevent possible diseases and injuries during and after flooding. Floodwater can be contaminated by pollutants including sewage, human and animal feces, pesticides and insecticides, fertilizers, oil, asbestos, rusting building materials, and others. Winter floods can heighten the risk of health threats such as mold, tetanus bacteria, contaminated well-water,Read More

Tackling Tough Clinical Conversations

Many healthcare providers report that addressing behavioral health and substance use issues are of the most challenging areas of their practice.  Providers are unsure how to address these issues and yet they are in a prime position to reduce the negative outcomes related behavioral health problems.  This is especially true in rural areas where agricultural workersRead More

Proactive and Reactive Society: Focus on Rural Mental Health

Stress and anxiety over things we have no control over can overwhelm us to the point where we have no energy left to focus on the things we do have control over. Being 5% healthier may not seem like much of an improvement however, it's still better than the alternative which is no improvement. ThatRead More

Mental Health in Rural Populations: A Federal Perspective

Individuals and families farming and ranching across our nation are familiar with the stress and uncertainty that comes with the agricultural lifestyle.  Yet we know that continual exposure to adverse conditions, be they physical, environmental or economic can wear away at even the most resilient of us.  This webinar will remind the audience of theRead More

A Research Update from the Agricultural Health Study: Recent Findings, Current Work, and Future Plans

It has been over 25 years since participants first enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS) cohort; in 1993-97, a total of 89,655 individuals joined the study, including 52,394 private pesticide applicators (mostly farmers) and 32,345 of their spouses from North Carolina and Iowa, and 4,916 commercial applicators from Iowa. The cohort has been followedRead More

Safeguarding Children and Youth Who Live, Work and Play on Farms and Ranches

Farms and ranches are wonderful places for children and youth to live, work and play. However, agriculture is one of our most hazardous occupations, and the only worksite where children of any age can legally be present. The purpose of this presentation is to increase knowledge and awareness of agricultural child injuries, and extend theRead More

Exploring the Invest in Your Health Trainer Exchange

AgriSafe is committed to train safety and health professionals who wish to teach IYH trainings in their classroom. Under our open share platform, once certified, you are free to use the training materials.  Our end goal is to build the capacity of rural educators and leaders to train young workers. Invest in Your Health (IYH)Read More

Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicle Safety

All-terrain vehicle (ATV) crashes are one of the leading causes of death and injuries in the agriculture industry in the United States. In this presentation, we will evaluate the current situation and possible solutions related to agricultural ATV safety. Potential injury preventative actions were evaluated based on the hierarchy of control, including elimination or substitution, engineeringRead More