Tackling Tough Clinical Conversations

Many healthcare providers report that addressing behavioral health and substance use issues are of the most challenging areas of their practice.  Providers are unsure how to address these issues and yetRead More

Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicle Safety

All-terrain vehicle (ATV) crashes are one of the leading causes of death and injuries in the agriculture industry in the United States. In this presentation, we will evaluate the currentRead More

How Mediation Can Help Farmers

Summary: Farming is a livelihood and a tradition for many families. It has its rewards, but also its unique risks and pressures. Those may stem from the markets, the weather, financialRead More

Sleepless in America

Summary: The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention now identifies sleep deficiency as a public health problem.  Sleep affects every moment of our daily lives, from how we thinkRead More

Emergency Planning for Farm Operations

Summary: Safety planning is one of the most difficult to justify because you never know the amount of time, money, or lives you are saving for accidents that don't happen. With moreRead More