Safe and Healthy Recovery After a Farm Flood

Disaster recovery can be as dangerous as the disaster itself, especially if no disaster preparedness plan was implemented. This is especially true on farms and ranches where inherent farm hazards such as machinery and equipment, livestock, and agriculture chemicals are displaced and co-mingle, putting all emergency response personnel, farm workers and family members in danger.Read More

AgriSafe Think Tank: Improving the Health of Farmer Military Veterans

This Think Tank Webinar will address the health disparities facing farmer military veterans and explore opportunities for their home communities to support their health and well being. Your help is needed to ensure that future AgriSafe programming and services meet the unique health care needs faced by farmer veterans     Watch this webinar on-demand.

Tackling Tough Clinical Conversations

Many healthcare providers report that addressing behavioral health and substance use issues are of the most challenging areas of their practice.  Providers are unsure how to address these issues and yet they are in a prime position to reduce the negative outcomes related behavioral health problems.  This is especially true in rural areas where agricultural workersRead More

Proactive and Reactive Society: Focus on Rural Mental Health

Stress and anxiety over things we have no control over can overwhelm us to the point where we have no energy left to focus on the things we do have control over. Being 5% healthier may not seem like much of an improvement however, it's still better than the alternative which is no improvement. ThatRead More

Understanding the Tractor Factor

Agricultural tractors have traditionally been a leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries on and around farms and ranches. this webinar will cover the basic hazards associated with agricultural tractors with their use both on and off the roadway and how to prevent these injuries. At the conclusion of the training, participants will be ableRead More

A Research Update from the Agricultural Health Study: Recent Findings, Current Work, and Future Plans

It has been over 25 years since participants first enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS) cohort; in 1993-97, a total of 89,655 individuals joined the study, including 52,394 private pesticide applicators (mostly farmers) and 32,345 of their spouses from North Carolina and Iowa, and 4,916 commercial applicators from Iowa. The cohort has been followedRead More

Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicle Safety

All-terrain vehicle (ATV) crashes are one of the leading causes of death and injuries in the agriculture industry in the United States. In this presentation, we will evaluate the current situation and possible solutions related to agricultural ATV safety. Potential injury preventative actions were evaluated based on the hierarchy of control, including elimination or substitution, engineeringRead More

What Ag Producers Need to Know About COVID-19

Summary Coronavirus has gained attention worldwide as an emerging infectious disease. This webinar is intended to share evidence-based information about COVID19 and to help agricultural producers identify strategies for responding on their farm. Intended Audience Agricultural producers, ranchers, farmers, farmworkers, veterinarians, Extension personnel, rural health care providers, and others who work in agriculture. Objectives AtRead More

How Mediation Can Help Farmers

Summary: Farming is a livelihood and a tradition for many families. It has its rewards, but also its unique risks and pressures. Those may stem from the markets, the weather, financial arrangements, family, neighbors, government regulations and more. Conflicts that arise when farming and its support systems fail to mesh add to the stress. How farmersRead More

Sleepless in America

Summary: The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention now identifies sleep deficiency as a public health problem.  Sleep affects every moment of our daily lives, from how we think and remember to how our bodies thrive or deteriorate. It determines how we deal with stress, make choices related to safety, and function as humanRead More

Respiratory Fit Testing in Agricultural Communities

Summary Respiratory PPE fit testing helps assure the best protection against dangerous airborne particles. Agricultural workers face a myriad of challenges in obtaining a proper fit test and who can provide this service. Additionally, there are gray areas of misunderstanding about the fit testing mandates in certain agricultural populations. Intended Audience:  Agricultural workers, including womenRead More