Webinar: Talking About Ticks- Lyme Disease

Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking insects. The deer tick (also known as the black-leggedRead More

NFSHW23: Confined Spaces on Dairy Farms


Summary: Confined spaces such as tanks and storage bins are recognized workplace hazards on agricultural production settings. Manure storage facilities are often not recognized as confined spaces, especially on dairyRead More

Webinar: Importance of Foot Health in Agriculture

Summary: Dr. Merendino will present the Importance of Foot Health in Agriculture in the first half of the presentation. He will address important practices and provide examples of foot health issues to takeRead More

Webinar: Talking About Ticks- Lyme Disease

Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking insects. The deer tick (also known as the black-leggedRead More

Webinar: Talking About Ticks- Lyme Disease

Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking insects. The deer tick (also known as the black-leggedRead More