NFSHW24: Skid Loader Safety
NFSHW2024Summary: Skid loaders are useful and versatile machines in the hands of appropriate operators. To utilize them to their utmost, we must understand there is inherent risk in the operation ofRead More
Summary: Skid loaders are useful and versatile machines in the hands of appropriate operators. To utilize them to their utmost, we must understand there is inherent risk in the operation ofRead More
Summary: A collision between agriculture equipment and a passenger vehicles on a roadway often result in serious injury or fatalities. Ag equipment is much larger and heavier than personal vehicles. Read More
Summary: A growing number of studies show that noise increases the risk for broad-ranging physiological and psychological illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, depression, behavioral problems, and cognition (among others). ThisRead More
Summary: CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means) is a suicide prevention training that encourages safe storage of lethal means (firearms and medications) during a suicidal crisis. By temporarily puttingRead More
Summary: Research shows that working with other family members and succession planning are top stressors for farmers. This presentation will provide an overview of common barriers to planning for theRead More
Summary: The agriculture industry faces a shortage of skilled farmers with many experienced farmers nearing retirement age. We will highlight how farmers can utilize Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) to trainRead More
Summary: This session aims to provide attendees the tools necessary to equip their students with a comprehensive understanding of the health risks associated with vaping, debunk common myths, and fosterRead More
Summary: This webinar presents an in-depth analysis of records from the OSHA Accident Database, focusing on incidents coded as "Oxygen Deficiency," "Confined Space," and "Toxic Fume" from January 1, 2014,Read More
Summary: A review of the literature related to the problem of grain related entrapments and engulfments clearly suggests that the most effective response is to focus on rescuing workers onceRead More
Summary: A recent publication has estimated that agricultural injuries are underreported by an astonishing 70%. This webinar will discuss the challenges, barriers, and unintended consequences for suppressing injury reporting inRead More
Summary: Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index is the preferred environmental heat metric for heat-related illness (HRI) prevention in the workplace and is typically measured using a heat stress monitor.Read More
Summary: This webinar will present research findings in the areas of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention in religious communities. Both robust research findings and preliminary findings will be presented. ForRead More