Children and Tractors: Myths, Facts, or Other

Join us as we discuss the topic of children and tractors, starting at birth and moving up through adulthood. We will explore what we know, what we think we know, and what we don’t know. By the end of this webinar participants will be able to: Discuss the risks and benefits of children on theRead More

Tackling Tough Clinical Conversations

Many healthcare providers report that addressing behavioral health and substance use issues are of the most challenging areas of their practice.  Providers are unsure how to address these issues and yet they are in a prime position to reduce the negative outcomes related behavioral health problems.  This is especially true in rural areas where agricultural workersRead More

Proactive and Reactive Society: Focus on Rural Mental Health

Stress and anxiety over things we have no control over can overwhelm us to the point where we have no energy left to focus on the things we do have control over. Being 5% healthier may not seem like much of an improvement however, it's still better than the alternative which is no improvement. ThatRead More

Mental Health in Rural Populations: A Federal Perspective

Individuals and families farming and ranching across our nation are familiar with the stress and uncertainty that comes with the agricultural lifestyle.  Yet we know that continual exposure to adverse conditions, be they physical, environmental or economic can wear away at even the most resilient of us.  This webinar will remind the audience of theRead More

Safeguarding Children and Youth Who Live, Work and Play on Farms and Ranches

Farms and ranches are wonderful places for children and youth to live, work and play. However, agriculture is one of our most hazardous occupations, and the only worksite where children of any age can legally be present. The purpose of this presentation is to increase knowledge and awareness of agricultural child injuries, and extend theRead More

Providing Culturally Competent Care for Farmers and Farm Families, With Emphasis on Mental Well-Being

Summary: Alarming rates of suicide among production farmers have prompted public health officials to increase the awareness and cultural understanding of providing wholistic care for those in rural agricultural areas. Unique aspects of farm life and farming can contribute to higher levels of depressive symptoms and increased stress. Higher levels of depression, in addition to suicide,Read More

Helping Farmers Weather the Storm of Emotions + Economics: NY Farmnet

NY FarmNet, a Cornell University program, helps farmers in New York state navigate the waters of growth, change, and crisis. Since 1986, NY FarmNet has provided free, confidential on farm consulting to thousands of farmers and their families. With its unique, holistic approach - offering both financial and family/personal guidance - the program is ableRead More

Learning When To Put the Work Away: Finding Balance for Veteran Farmers

Often times it is better to hear from someone experiencing the same things, rather than someone telling you they understand what you’re going through. Listen in as Shay Foulk discusses the real challenges and opportunities he has faced as a returning farmer veteran, and how he is learning and living ways to try to shutRead More

Behavioral Health Planning: A Key to Farming in the Era of COVID-19

Summary: COVID-19 adds new uncertainties to farming on top of a five-year or longer economic recession in most sectors of agriculture.  Like climate shifts, tariffs, and disease outbreaks in crops and livestock, COVID-19 is largely beyond the control of agricultural producers.  Importantly however, we can mostly control how we behave.  Agricultural producers will learn howRead More

How Mediation Can Help Farmers

Summary: Farming is a livelihood and a tradition for many families. It has its rewards, but also its unique risks and pressures. Those may stem from the markets, the weather, financial arrangements, family, neighbors, government regulations and more. Conflicts that arise when farming and its support systems fail to mesh add to the stress. How farmersRead More

Mental Health in Farm and Ranch Country: How Communities Can Help!

Summary: In rural communities, the stigma associated with mental distress is hard to confront. Rural agricultural residents pride themselves as hard-working and dedicated to the land. These characteristics are sometimes in direct conflict with asking for help and self-care, leaving those around them at a loss for words and action. This presentation attempts to use theRead More