Protéjase del humo de incendios forestales
Learn steps to get informed about wildfires and protect yourself.
English Title: Breathe Easy: Protect Yourself from Wildland Fire Smoke
Learn steps to get informed about wildfires and protect yourself.
English Title: Breathe Easy: Protect Yourself from Wildland Fire Smoke
Person first language is a way of speaking that is emphasizes a person’s wholeness, while maintaining respect for an illness, condition, or experience. This is a Spanish language guide on how to use person first language in reference to mental health.
English Title: Person First Language
A Spanish language guide designed to help women protect their reproductive health when working in agriculture.
English Title: Reproductive Health Exposures for Women in Agriculture
A Spanish language guide on protecting yourself against wildfire health threats.
English Title: Wildfire Health Threats
Spanish language social media graphics for flood risks.
English Title: Flood Resources Toolkit
The purpose of this Spanish language guidance is to protect workers from illnesses and injuries associated with livestock and poultry wastewater and sludge from animal feeding operations during and after floods.
English Title: Interim Guidance for Protecting Workers from Livestock and Poultry Wastewater and Sludge During and After Floods
Pilates for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Pilates Poster
This Spanish language fact sheet is designed to highlight the unique risk factors for women working in agriculture. Practical solutions are offered to assist farm women in maintaining a healthy and productive farming future.
English Title: Take Charge of Your Health – Women Working in Agriculture
Poses to improve muscle strength and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Ready to Farm
Yoga for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Yoga Poster
This is a Spanish language AgriSafe resource guide on how to identify and prevent Heat Related Illnesses.
English Title: Heat Related Illness
CDC resource guide in Spanish on non-powered hand tools.
English Title: A Guide to Selecting Non-Powered Hand Tools
This Spanish language guide shows simple changes agricultural workers can make to improve ergonomics.
English Title: Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers