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Best Practices in the Detection and Monitoring of Pesticide Exposure

This webinar discusses cholinesterase testing and monitoring protocols based on programs from both California and Washington. View this webinar to learn about ChE and its function in the body, routes of exposure, who is at risk, signs and symptoms, treatments, and prevention of exposure. Most importantly, presenters share an established and recently updated protocol algorithm to guide your medical monitoring program. This protocol is designed to create awareness among your workers, set standards based on acceptable safe practices, and reduce incidents in the workplace.


What is Safety? Chemicals

“What is Safety? Chemicals” teaches the importance of staying safe while using, or being around, chemicals; whether that be on the farm or even in your house!


Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers (February 24, 2022)

Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) is an effective nitrogen crop fertilizer used throughout the Midwest and beyond.  Anhydrous ammonia is potentially dangerous, as it seeks water from the nearest source, which may be the human body – especially the eyes, lungs, and skin because of their high moisture content.  Few problems occur when anhydrous ammonia is handled properly and applied as intended.  However, it is important for all individuals working with this type of fertilizer to understand the potential health risks, necessary safety precautions, and proper response in the event of an exposure. Focus of the training is on anhydrous ammonia safety during transport and application, including the anatomy of the nurse tank and toolbar, safety inspection processes, hitching and unhitching safety, personal protective equipment (PPE), rural roadway safety, and first aid/emergency procedures.  Hazard communication and emergency action plans will also be addressed.


Hazard Communications Standards (December 7, 2021)

This Hazard Communication Standard training program is intended for female workers and managers in the agricultural industry. This includes dairy farms and small farms that hire at-risk populations. The major focus of the program is on the identification of and the safe usage of chemicals and pesticides, along with respiratory protection.


Respiratory Protection Issues in Agriculture – What to Wear & Does It Fit?

The business of agriculture presents a myriad of hazards, including exposures to dusts, molds, pesticides and other chemicals, gases, as well as welding fumes and particles. Deciding what protection to use to prevent acute and chronic respiratory diseases is confusing. In addition, just finding the right protective gear can be a challenge. This webinar will address those issues and provide information on the importance of fit testing and fit (seal) checks.

Hazard Communication for Farm Women

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Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers

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Podcast episode.

Anhydrous Ammonia

episode of Talking Total Farmer Health

Guidelines or a checklist For a specific event such as a natural disaster or to guide decision-making for a healthcare practitioner.

How to Comply with the 2015 Revised Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides: What Owners and Employers Need to Know

EPA in conjunction with the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative (PERC) is making available a guide to help users of agricultural pesticides comply with the requirements of the 2015 revised federal Worker Protection Standard. You should read this manual if you employ agricultural workers or handlers, are involved in the production of agricultural plants as an owner/manager of an agricultural establishment or a commercial (for-hire) pesticide handling establishment, or work as a crop advisor.

Guidelines or a checklist For a specific event such as a natural disaster or to guide decision-making for a healthcare practitioner.

Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings

The purpose of this manual is to provide healthcare professionals with current consensus recommendations for treating patients with pesticide-related illnesses or injuries.