Pilates AgriSafe
Pilates for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Pilates Poster
Pilates for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Pilates Poster
Poses to improve muscle strength and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Ready to Farm
Poses to improve muscle strength and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
Spanish Title: Listos para trabajar
Yoga for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
Spanish Title: AgriSafe Yoga
Yoga for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Yoga Poster
The information in this guide has been written specifically for the livestock industry to prevent falls when transporting livestock.
CDC resource guide in Spanish on non-powered hand tools.
English Title: A Guide to Selecting Non-Powered Hand Tools
CDC resource guide on non-powered hand tools.
Spanish Title: Una Guía para la Selección de Herramientas de Mano No-Energizadas
This Spanish language guide shows simple changes agricultural workers can make to improve ergonomics.
English Title: Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers
This guide shows simple changes agricultural workers can make to improve ergonomics.
Spanish Title: Soluciones Simples: Ergonomía Para Trabajadores Agrícolas