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Podcast episode.

Women in Ag

episode of Talking Total Farmer Health


Culture is Our Wellness (La Cultura Cura)

This webinar introduces the practice of Curanderismo as an ethno-indigenous form of health and healing originating in Mesoamerica and practiced among many Latinx communities. The presenters will discuss their work with traditional medicine and present the specializations of Curanderismo, which can be used by people of all cultural backgrounds and various health providers with their patients. The presenters will begin with a brief opening ceremony, provide their personal narratives of traditional healing, a historical grounding of Curanderismo, present the specializations of the traditional medicine, and discuss current efforts to integrate traditional and allopathic medicine.


AgriSafe Think Tank: Racism and Agricultural Health

This Think Tank Webinar will address racism as a public health crisis and its impact on the agricultural workforce. Your help is needed to identify, disrupt and dismantle racism to protect the well being of agricultural producers of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) ethnicities. AgriSafe is committed to fostering dialogue across the nation that results in a racially equitable response to this crisis. Join us for this Think Tank where together we will define the problem and discover solutions to reduce health disparities that are amplified by racism.


Implementing Community-Led Interventions with Gulf Coast Seafood Workers

The University of Texas Medical Branch conducted semi-structured interviews and observations with Gulf Coast shrimp fishermen to understand their healthcare experiences and needs as well as policies that are impacting their health. Community-based participatory research (CBPR), a relational model that values the participants as equal partners in research, dissemination, and implementation, guided the interviews. To address the lack of healthcare options for (im)migrants, and at the request of the seafood workers participating in the ongoing CBPR study, we successfully implemented and treated workers through a free mobile clinic. Many of these individuals had not been seen by a healthcare provider in years, highlighting the importance of community trust and rapport building when addressing interconnected health and safety issues. CBPR, when applied to high-risk occupational settings with underreached populations (e.g., (im)migrant workers), can improve health and prevent injury.

Fact sheet, handout, brochure or other general informative content Can be used by or shared with producers and ag workers. Typically a printable document.

Racism and Agricultural Health: White Paper

This white paper is a combined effort of AgriSafe Network staff, and the AgriSafe Board of Directors as an immediate action following AgriSafe’s Statement on Racism, Diversity and Inclusion.