Confined Spaces on Dairy Farms
Confined spaces such as tanks and storage bins are recognized workplace hazards on agricultural production settings. Manure storage facilities are often not recognized as confined spaces, especially on dairy farms.Read More
Confined Space – Grain Bin Entry
The Confined Space Grain Safety program is intended for workers and managers in agriculture. This includes Coop’s, farm operators, employees, and agriculture business owners. The major focus of the program is on safety in confined space work areas.
Prevention of Grain Dust Explosions
This Grain Safety program is intended for workers and managers in the grain industry including grain elevators, farm operators and workers, grain haulers, and agriculture business owners. The major focus of the program is on safety in confined space work areas including entry, respiratory protection, and prevention of Grain Dust explosions.
Roundtable Discussion: Grain Bin Safety
Grain Bin Safety week started in 2014 as an advocacy program to educate farmers and agricultural workers on safe practices in working in and around grain storage facilities. The program works on both sides of the issue by promoting a zero-entry mentality and then working with agribusiness to provide Grain Rescue tubes and training to Fire departments across the country. Since 2014 we have delivered 207 Grain rescue tubes in 31 States and this year will be adding 58 Rescue tubes. Learn about the program and how you could become involved.
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Manure Storage Pit Dangers
Guidance on manure pit operations from ASABE specify the need to monitor these spaces prior to entry. This alert provides general guidance on why and how to monitor.