AgriSafe provides training on a variety of ag health and safety topics. Browse our catalog to see group trainings we can provide virtually or in person.
Image | Training Title | Content | Categories | Request |
Ag Specific Respiratory Exposures for Women | Respiratory protection strategies for women working in agriculture can be a challenge. Purchasing respiratory protective equipment and achieving proper fit is often difficult. This training will address dangerous exposures in agricultural work and the importance of respiratory protective equipment for women. It will include training tips and evidence-based resources for use in clinical practice and worker education. Read More | Personal Protective Equipment, Respiratory Health, Women | Request This Training | |
Ag Worker Health and Avian Influenza | Avian Influenza is a disease caused by viruses that can infect birds and people. Avian influenza viruses are routinely present in wild bird species and can be transmitted to backyard and commercial poultry, but very rarely to people. This presentation will focus on understanding the current state of the avian influenza outbreak in the US and provide recommendations for personal protective equipment for people who work with poultry and poultry products. | Zoonotics | Request This Training | |
Anhydrous Ammonia Safety for Farmworkers | Anhydrous ammonia is potentially dangerous, as it seeks water from the nearest source, which may be the human body – especially the eyes, lungs, and skin because of their high moisture content. Few problems occur when anhydrous ammonia is handled properly and applied as intended. However, it is important for all individuals working with this type of fertilizer to understand the potential health risks, necessary safety precautions, and proper response in the event of an exposure. Read More | Personal Protective Equipment, Pesticide & Chemical Safety | Request This Training | |
Appropriate PPE for Women in Ag | Agriculture is a hazardous industry associated with many occupational injuries and diseases. Workers may be exposed to various types of occupational hazards simultaneously, possibly increasing the risk of adverse health outcomes. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is critical for ensuring a safe working environment in agriculture. It is essential to utilize PPE that meets safety standards, is appropriate for your work, and is the proper fit. PPE is often designed with men in mind, making adequate fit and function problematic for women in agriculture. | Personal Protective Equipment, Women | Request This Training | |
ATV-UTV Safety for Women | ATVs and UTVs are found on all types of farms; they are useful for agricultural work, but they also pose serious hazards to operators and passengers. Studies indicate that injured ATV/UTV passengers are more commonly female and youth, and that helmet use is significantly lower for passengers. The focus of the training would be on ATV/UTV maintenance and safety features, personal protective equipment (PPE), load and weight considerations, operation on public roadways, as well as employee training and considerations for working alone. | Women | Request This Training | |
Best PPE to Fit Your Lungs | Respiratory protection strategies for women working in agriculture can be a challenge. Purchasing respiratory protective equipment and achieving proper fit is often difficult. This one-hour webinar program will address dangerous exposures in agricultural work and the importance of respiratory protective equipment for women. It will include training tips and evidence-based resources for use in clinical practice and worker education. | Personal Protective Equipment, Respiratory Health | Request This Training | |
Chainsaw Safety Training | The Chainsaw Safety training program is intended for workers and managers in the agricultural and forestry industries. The major focus of the program is on the identification of and the safe operation of chainsaws. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 36,000 people are injured by chainsaws annually. Read More | Farmworkers, Forestry and Logging, Hearing Loss Prevention, Musculoskeletal, Personal Protective Equipment | Request This Training | |
Combating Heat and Cold Stress for Forestry Workers | Forestry workers may be subject to extreme heat and cold. Working outdoors makes people more likely to become dehydrated and experience heat-related illness or heat stress. High temperatures reduce work capacity and may lead to heat stress and dehydration. Although exposure to heat stress is preventable, thousands become sick from occupational heat exposure every year, and some cases are fatal. Similarly, cold weather can reduce dexterity, blood flow, muscle strength, and balance. Hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains are all illnesses and injuries caused by cold stress. This presentation will explore both weather-related conditions and their impact on outdoor workers. | Forestry and Logging, Heat-Related Illness | Request This Training | |
Conversations on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training | CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means) is a suicide prevention training that encourages safe storage of lethal means (firearms and medications) during a suicidal crisis. By temporarily putting time and distance between a suicidal person and highly lethal means, a life may be saved. CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means was originally created as a workshop designed for mental health professionals. | Mental Health | Request This Training | |
Discovering the Root of your Back Story – Prevention and Understanding of Back Injuries | Back injuries are one of the most common forms of farm-related injuries. Protecting the back is one of the most important things a producer can do to stay active on the farm. Men and women are both prone to work-related back pain and the first episode usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 40. Training will focus on effects of whole body vibration, causes of back injuries/pain, how to prevent back injuries/pain, and other considerations. Read More | Musculoskeletal | Request This Training | |
Eliminating Workplace Violence in the Field for Employers | Education will focus on all women including farmworker women and their employers on reporting violent incidents to authorities, making employees aware of their legal rights, safe work practices, medical referrals, treatment, and options including counseling if needed. Read More | Women | Request This Training | |
Ergonomic Safety for Farm Women | Women account for about one-third of the management, ownership and work on farms, ranches and in crop production. A major challenge continues to be access to protective equipment that meets the ergonomic needs of women. This program is intended to help women in rural/agricultural communities identify ergonomic issues leading to musculoskeletal injuries in farm and ranch work and discover resources to aid in injury prevention. Read More | Musculoskeletal, Women | Request This Training | |
Hazard Communication for Farm Women | This Hazard Communication Standard training program is intended for dairy farms and small farms that hire at-risk populations. The major focus of the program is on the identification of and the safe usage of chemicals and pesticides, along with respiratory protection. Read More | Pesticide & Chemical Safety, Respiratory Health | Request This Training | |
Hearing Loss Prevention for Forest Workers | Hearing loss is common, especially among workers who are exposed to hazardous noise where they work. Forestry and Logging are among the top industry sectors for worker exposure to hazardous noise that can contribute to hearing loss. According to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), noise-exposed workers in Forestry and Logging had a higher percentage of hearing loss (21%) than all noise-exposed industries combined (19%). This training will discuss effective methods for preventing hearing loss from noise in forestry. | Forestry and Logging, Mental Health, Musculoskeletal | Request This Training | |
Invest in Your Health: Cover Up! Head to Toe Personal Protective Equipment | Injuries and chronic health issues can be prevented if we use the right protective equipment for the job. This program will present an overview of common exposures in farming and ranching. Students can discuss those exposures and determine the appropriate protective gear for each scenario. In addition, two cases studies presenting common multiple exposures that young people experience are included for discussion. | Personal Protective Equipment, Train the Trainer, Young Farmers | Request This Training | |
Invest in Your Health: Cultivating a Healthy Mind | This module opens an introductory discussion of mental health among teens and young adults with guidance from an adult educator. Focus is placed on decreasing stigma, improving mental health literacy, and positive coping skills for teens and young adults. The module showcases a high school agricultural student’s understanding of the agricultural mental health crisis, helping to frame mental health distress to academic and future career success. | Mental Health, Train the Trainer, Young Farmers | Request This Training | |
Invest in Your Health: Say What? Protecting your Hearing | The young producer works in an environment with noise hazards and plays in an environment with noise hazards. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is common (and preventable) but unfortunately, use of hearing protection among youth is not. | Hearing Loss Prevention, Train the Trainer, Young Farmers | Request This Training | |
Invest in Your Health: Stay Cool! Prevention of Heat-Related Illness | Heat-related illness occurs when the body’s temperature gets too high and the body’s ability to dissipate heat through sweating and other methods is overcome. In this session, students will learn how to identify heat related illnesses and immediate care procedures. | Heat-Related Illness, Train the Trainer, Young Farmers | Request This Training | |
Invest in Your Health: Stop Zoonosis in its Tracks- Prevention of Zoonosis | Agricultural producers are at high risk for acquiring a zoonotic disease related to their work environment with minimal information related to risks, symptoms and prevention. The majority of emerging infectious diseases in the U.S. are zoonotic in nature. They are often difficult to determine, and many go unreported for a variety of reasons. | Train the Trainer, Young Farmers, Zoonotics | Request This Training | |
Invest in Your Health: Where Y’at-Using Mapping to Define Hazards in Agriculture | Participants will learn about the Hazard Mapping curriculum and will be given access to all teacher and student materials after completing the webinar. A Hazard Map is a visual representation of the hazards in a workplace that could cause injuries or illness. The Hazard Mapping method draws on what students know from their farming experience. The Hazard Mapping approach works best when conducted among a small group of students with some similarity in their work and exposures. | Train the Trainer, Young Farmers | Request This Training | |
More than Milk: Strong Bones and Injury Prevention for Aging Women in Ag | Do farmers or ranchers really retire? Family operations frequently include aging parents, the living legends of agriculture. Farmers and ranchers self-identify good health with the ability to work. The normal aging process slows down one’s ability to engage in meaningful activities physically and mentally, essential to continue working. Add in postmenopausal issues experienced by the female farmer, and a myriad of health hazards arise. Unlike men, who experience a gradual loss of bone mass as they age, women will lose over 30% of their bone mass in the first five years after menopause. Agriculture is a hazardous and uncertain profession. Women are working well past the age of menopause. Training measures should focus on avoiding common risk factors and preventative actions to decrease the likelihood of an injury. Workplace and home safety are achievable. We will also address other age-related changes such as vision, hearing, and sleep disturbance. Every member of the family operation will benefit from learning creative strategies and solutions to help aging-in-place seniors achieve wellness and self-fulfillment. | Women | Request This Training | |
Musculoskeletal and Ergonomic Safety for Forest Workers | Forest workers face unique ergonomic challenges due to their exposure to extreme environmental conditions, heavy workload, and dangerous tools and machines. The forest sector has one of the highest rates of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), almost 100 times higher than the industrial targets the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) set. This program is intended to help forest workers identify ergonomic issues leading to musculoskeletal injuries and discover resources to aid in injury treatment and prevention. Read More | Forestry and Logging, Musculoskeletal | Request This Training | |
Preventing Workplace Violence for Forestry Workers | Forestry and logging workers are exposed to a range of biological hazards, extreme weather, accidents, and – especially for women– assault. Workplace violence is violence or the threat of violence against workers. This training will review the many forms of workplace violence among co-workers, including sexual harassment. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) states that “each employer shall furnish to each of his employees’ employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.” In this presentation, AgriSafe will focus on educating forestry employees and their employers on reporting violent incidents to authorities, informing employees of their legal rights, and safe work practices. Read more | Forestry and Logging | Request This Training | |
QPR | Over the last decade, farmers and farm families have experienced increasing pressures resulting in high levels of stress, mental health, and suicide. QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade, and Refer. Read more about QPR. | Mental Health | Request This Training | |
Respiratory Fit Testing in Agricultural Communities | Respiratory PPE fit testing helps ensure the best protection against dangerous airborne particles. Agricultural workers face a myriad of challenges in obtaining a proper fit test and finding someone who can provide this service. Additionally, there are gray areas of misunderstanding about the fit testing mandates in certain agricultural populations. Read more about respiratory fit testing. | Personal Protective Equipment, Respiratory Health | Request This Training |